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Agnes and Nancy - Film by Anne Milne

Agnes and Nancy were both confronted with a diagnosis of dementia before they reached the age of 60. For Agnes, this was five years ago, and she still struggles every day with the changes taking place in her body and mind - changes of which she is all too painfully aware. She must accept that she is no longer the scientifically minded, active woman she once was. Nancy also finds the loss of independence difficult to deal with.Agnes & Nancyshows Agnes visiting Nancy, whom she met and befriended at a support group. They work together in the garden, practice yoga, and speak openly about their illness. The film strikes a surprisingly optimistic tone; although these women are struggling with a new identity, they most definitely have not thrown in the towel. They very much enjoy being together, and gain a lot of support from one another in this new phase of life with its unexpected twists and turns.

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