Training should meet your individual needs
We believe training should be developed with you, focusing on your individual needs. We will work with you to understand the area of need and then we will design a course to meet the learning objectives. We will engage with the dementia community to seek their advice and guidance around specific topics and where possible ask them to come and co-deliver training materials with us.
Some common themes of training topics
Planning / running a short break
Step-by-step guidance on how to plan, support, deliver, debrief and evaluate a dementia inclusive holiday
Considering the benefits vs the risk when risk assessing
Practically running Indoor / Outdoor risk assessments
Volunteer recruitment and training
How to promote and advertise your short break or holiday
The training was very practical and by the end of the two days we had integrated dementia-inclusive language throughout our website and publicity, developed a questionnaire to send to people wanting to come on our dementia sails to help assess the most suitable activity for them, risk assessed our sailing activities and come up with adaptations we could make as an organisation.
The support continued after the two days, with ongoing prompts and connections to help us develop our dementia sails further Aimee volunteered with us on two of our dementia sails.
A very friendly and approachable person, Aimee clearly has a lot of enthusiasm for supporting people with dementia and brings us own experience as a carer into the work. We would highly recommend working with Aimee if you want to make your group, company or organisation dementia aware and your practices dementia inclusive”
Dhara O'Brian . Sail Boat Project
Book a free call
I offer a free call back to chat about how we can work together. If you would like to talk to me about advocacy, training or consultancy work please fill in the form below.